Thursday, July 8, 2010

Mr. G assignment

“MR. G’s assignment”

By: Cole D.

What is a savings account? A savings account is when are accounts maintained to pay for interest not used directly for money.

How do you make money through a bank? Take out a loan or set up a saving account.

Define interest? A fee paid on borrowed assets.

What two types of interest are named? Future interest and Executory interest.

When does interest work in your favor? When you are collecting something from your business.

Banks pay interest in two ways. What are they? Through loans and through investments.

Compound interest makes your savings grow faster.

Savings- A fund of money.

Bank-A business establishment in which money is kept for saving or commercial purposes or is invested, supplied for loans, or exchanged.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


My country

By: Cole D.

The country Iran is on the continent of Asia. Its bordered by Afghanistan and Pakistan. The person who is responsible for the abuse is Seyed Ali Khamane’I who is 66 years old and has been in power since 1990 and is ranked from last year #18. He has shut down the free press , tortured journalists, and has ordered the execution of homosexual males in his country. They do not have the freedom of press and trial by jury because they are ran by a 12 man gaurdian council and do not have the freedom of religion and sexuality.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010



Taxes- A charge for public purpose

Taxes suck if you don’t pay them.

If late on paying taxes you have to pay more than was originally intended.

Donations- A thing given for charity

Donations are for the good hearted people.

Giving blood is also another type of donation.

By: Cole D.

Monday, June 28, 2010


Money- is currency that is spent or earned.
I like to spend money on stuff for my car.
I like to earn my money rather than getting it handed to me.

Debt-An amount o money owned and borrowed by one party to another.
I do not like to be in debt.
Debt needs to be paid on time if not you gain interest.